Monday, October 28, 2024

International Symposium on Confronting China’s Genocide: East Turkistan’s Right to Sovereignty and A Global Security Imperative


As the concerns surrounding China’s genocide in East Turkistan and unresolved issues of its sovereignty drastically increase, we aim to examine the critical issues from multifaceted perspectives. Our goal is to foster a practical and fair discussion that confronts the global security challenges posed by China’s intentions and unfair actions. Simultaneously, we also explore the implications of East Turkistan’s right to sovereignty. Furthermore, we discuss policies while debating on the most constructive actions that need to be enacted to hold China accountable for this genocide and occupation.


Symposium Title: Confronting China’s Genocide: East Turkistan’s Right to Sovereignty and A Global Security Imperative

Symposium Location: Toronto, Canada

Symposium Date:  Nov 18, Nov 19

 Symposium Organizer:  Center for East Turkistan’s National Interest 

Symposium Sponsors:  East Turkistanian Federation of Canada (ETFC), International Union of the East Turkistan Organizations (IUETO), East Turkistan Republican Party (ETRP), East Turkistan Association of Australia (ETAA), Norwegian Uyghur Youth Union(NUYU)